This WP represents an important pillar, as it goes along the entire project and across all WPs. It will keep all the partners and activities together, assuring that the conducted initiatives will be in agreement with the overall objective of the action. As such, it will consist of management and reporting activities that include: (1) coordinate and oversee consistency of project activities; (2) secure the overall administrative and financial management of the project; (3) manage contacts with the Commission; (4) manage the Consortium, keeping the partners working as a whole; (5) monitor quality and timing of project results; (6) establish effective internal and external communication procedures; (7) meet the deadlines and check the agreement between activities and project aims; (8) draw contingency plan and, in case, implement necessary corrective measures.
The WP2 is dedicated to the composition and establishment of the Community for the European Observatory (CEO). In WP2, in addition to the engagement rules, the conceptual model for the CEO organisation, the possible subdivision on thematic panels, their interaction and the general functioning scheme of the CEO will be designed. To enlarge and consolidate the networking activities of the CEO with other thematic communities within (and outside) the KN, periodical meetings of CEO or its panels with relevant thematic communities will be organised to enhance cooperation and exchange ideas. The CEO will contribute to the design and planning of the knowledge sharing activities of WP5, i.e., the seminars/collaborative workshops/table-top-exercises. Moreover, it will advise on suitable criteria for GPs evaluation, and it will give feedback on the scenarios produced in WP3. In addition, the CEO will be invited to feed GPs into the Solutions Explorer web-platform in WP4.
Starting from preliminary criteria established in ROADMAP, WP3 further elaborates these criteria to identify, evaluate and monitor GPs. Moreover, scenarios implementing selected GPs will be elaborated. Such scenarios could be used in webinars/collaborative workshops to facilitate sharing and demonstration of GPs, as well as during small tests/exercises related to GPs performed in different countries to check usability and effectiveness of such GPs in different contexts. WP3 will use, as well, selected GPs extracted from WP4 to elaborate scenarios where the application of such GPs and their effectiveness will be analysed.
WP4 is dedicated to the enhancement of the Solutions Explorer, the web-tool developed in ROADMAP, adding more features, e.g., enabling to include the input on GPs from external actors after a suitable recognition of their role in DRM (e.g., volunteers; decision makers at strategic level; first responders; researchers, etc.). WP4 will take into account the criteria to recognize GPs elaborated in WP3, and a consequent check of the GPs inserted will be performed before their release to external users.
WP5 deals with knowledge building and sharing activities, such as organisation of small exercises at local level, webinars, and collaborative workshops aimed at improving the understanding, skills and expertise in civil protection and disaster risk management. Examples of GPs from WP4 as well as examples of scenarios produced in WP3 will be used as material to perform exercises and for dissemination activities in WP5.